Sleep and the Mind-Body Connection

We’ve all experienced what it’s like to go without sleep. We become irritable, moody, and mentally fatigued. Our sex lives suffer. And we become more susceptible to colds, infec-tions, and more serious illnesses and disease. So there’s no question that sleep is critical for the proper function of the neuro-endocrine-immune system, which works to maintain both physical and mental well-being.

Researchers are finding that even something as simple as a powernap enhances information processing and learning. Experiments by scientists at the National Institute of Mental Health and Harvard University show that a midday snooze reverses information overload and can improve learning a motor skill by 20 percent. Their studies suggest that during sleep, the brain consolidates the memories of habits, actions, and skills learned during the day. So rather than feeling guilty about catching a few extra winks, we should use them to rejuvenate.

Anthropologists have long believed that humans evolved sleep as a protection against dangers they would have encountered during the night. During the past few decades, sleep researchers have shown sleep to be a powerful mechanism that boosts immune function and restores the body’s homeostatic mechanisms. During a typical 8-hour sleep session, we go through five stages of sleep 4 or 5 times. Some of our hormones are elevated, others decreased; tissues are repaired more rapidly; and we gradually bring ourselves back to a state of normal equilibrium. In essence, we give ourselves a chance to regenerate and recuperate from some of the bad or stressful things we’ve done to ourselves.

Electro-encephalogram (EEG) studies have shown that brain activity during sleep is either present as normal brain waves or is being disrupted throughout the night. A normal 8-hour sleep pattern consists of five main stages of sleep, each characterized by different brain waves. Periods of rapid eye movement known as REM sleep are interspersed with quieter periods called non-REM sleep stages. About 25 per-cent of the night is spent in REM, and someone who spends 8 hours sleeping will typically go through all five stages 4 or 5 times. The stages are:

Stage I: Fleeting thoughts enter one’s mind but the brain waves become smaller. This is sometimes called “dozing,” in which breathing is slower and more regular, the mind wanders, and pulse rate decreases. Stage 1 only lasts for a few minutes.

Stage II: Brain waves become larger and slower during this period, which lasts about 15 to 20 minutes and constitutes about half of one’s sleep time. There are also sudden bursts of electrical activity. Eyes do not move and are not responsive. There is very little muscular activity.

Stage III: Brain waves slow significantly but are larger than stage II. This stage is sometimes known as “Slow Wave Sleep.” Sleep here is deep and restful and lasts about 30 minutes. The body is very relaxed, breathing slows, and heart rate decreases.

Stage IV: As one reaches this final stage of non-REM sleep, there is deep relaxation. In fact, muscles are so relaxed that the body is essentially paralyzed. However, pulse and breathing rate quickens and blood flow increases.

REM: Brain waves speed up to the same pattern as when the person is awake. It is during this period that one experiences the greatest amount of dreaming. Lasting anywhere from a few minutes to almost an hour, the total muscle relaxation during REM normally prevents one from acting out the dream.

The latest research suggests that 7 hours is the mini-mum amount of sleep needed to keep the mind-body connection working at its best. Studies have found that people who sleep an average of 8 hours a night live longer than people who don’t sleep as well; and those suffering from sleep disorders like insomnia, or have disrupted sleep patterns, are at greater risk for chronic illness. Shift workers, for example, sleep less on average than non-shift workers and, because their sleep patterns are fragmented, are not able to recover from the stress of work.

Although we don’t sleep as much at 50 as we did at 20, it’s not true that we require less sleep as we get older. Sleep patterns need to be consistent for us to maintain good health. But it’s not always easy to maintain good sleep habits as we age because our minds and our bodies change. Older individuals don’t make brain chemicals in the same amounts as do younger individuals, and the brain doesn’t respond to those chemicals as effectively. As we age, we also have more things on our minds, we get stressed out by more complex issues, we become depressed more often and, as a result, the quality of our sleep suffers.

Our inability to sleep may actually be the symptom of a more serious physical or emotional problem. So, if the suggestions in this section don’t work, you probably need to consult a physician to determine if there’s a more serious underlying issue. Disrupted sleep patterns are often caused by physical ailments, chemical imbalances, or mental health problems such as depression. The three main categories of sleep disorders are:

Parasomnia: These are abnormal behaviors during sleep like talking, walking, grinding teeth, etc. In these cases, the skeletal muscles are not fully relaxed. The problem is usually physical, but there may be some underlying psychological problem involved as well.

Insomnia: This is inability to fall asleep or to have short-ened sleep periods. As many as 30 percent of adults have this common sleep disorder, which is caused by a variety of factors such as stress, depression, drug use, lifestyle, or poor nighttime habits.

Hypersomnia: The opposite of insomnia, hypersomnia is excessive sleep. An individual may sleep for more than twelve hours and also take naps. The cause may be either physiological or psychological. Depression, for example, may cause a person to want to escape from reality or to avoid situations by sleeping as much as possible.

Maintaining good health doesn’t only include nutrition and exercise. Normal sleep patterns are critical for both physical and mental health. The worst thing you can do is sleep a full eight hours one night and then six another, or go to bed at 10 o’clock on Monday and after midnight on Tuesday. All you’re doing is continually resetting your biological clock and falling into a pattern of insomnia. The best way to get back on track is not by taking sleeping pills but by changing your habits and behaviors. Here are some of the suggestions that have helped people break their disruptive nighttime habits and get back into a normal sleep pattern. Within weeks, you’ll not only feel more energized but you’ll be reversing the wear and tear your body has gone through because of poor sleep.

• Maintain a regular sleep schedule. We all have a finely tuned biological clock that helps us sleep and wake up. Whenever we disrupt that clock by continually changing it, we set ourselves up for sleepless nights and chronic fatigue. It then takes a while for our brain to readjust and reset. To avoid creeping insomnia, develop a routine so that your body knows when it’s time to transition from being awake to sleep.

• Don’t try to catch up too much on weekends. We all do it: stay up late on Friday and sleep in too late on Saturday and Sunday morning. The problem with that is that our internal clock readjusts itself by Sunday evening and we’re back to tossing and turning when we go to bed. So even if you stay up late on weekends, force your-self to get up not more than an hour of when you normally do.

• Avoid caffeine before bed. Coffee is a big culprit, but be aware of other products that contain caffeine as well. Soft drinks, chocolate, and certain medications may contain just enough to keep us awake, especially if you consume too much of them. A good rule of thumb is to avoid caffeine at least 4 hours before bed.

• Don’t get overstimulated before bedtime. Using your mind and thinking too much right before bed will often stimulate rather than tire you out. The brain needs to know when it’s time for sleep, and clearing the mind of distractions helps maintain that sensitive internal biological clock. If you find that watching TV or reading a thriller before bed keeps you up, change your habits by relaxing and reading something less exciting.

• Drink warm milk before bed. Milk contains trypto-phan, an amino acid that’s converted to serotonin, which induces sleep. If you’re hungry, you might want to add some protein powder to the milk. Avoid simple carbohydrates, as these spike your insulin levels and disrupt normal sleep patterns.

• Avoid alcohol at night. Because alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, a few drinks can make you sleepy. However, while alcohol initially causes you to be-come tired, sleep will not last more than a few hours because alcohol disrupts normal sleep cycles. Furthermore, people who depend on a drink every evening condition themselves to become dependent on alcohol in order to fall asleep.

• Don’t exercise late in the evening. Exercise not only increases heart rate, blood pressure, and blood flow to the brain, it also triggers a surge of other hormones that flood the body and keep us over-stimulating for hours. To avoid this, the best time to exercise is morning or late afternoon.

• Avoid drinking water before bed. A glass of water right before bed will wake you up a few hours later to go to the bathroom. If you have trouble going back to sleep once you’re awake, this is not a habit you want to get into. Done on a regular basis, the routine becomes so in-grained that your internal clock will begin to wake you up at a certain time each night.

• Sleep on a good, comfortable mattress. Something as simple as changing your mattress can prevent aches and pains that disrupt sleep. Most people are helped by a firmer mattress that doesn’t create swells that cause bends in the body. Some of the newer foam ones that conform to your body curves are excellent.

• Keep your bedroom cool and dark. The optimum temperature for sleep is 68 degrees because that’s the temperature that seems to best set the brain’s internal thermostat. The mild drop in body temperature induces sleep. Blocking out all light triggers the pineal gland to produce melatonin, the hormone that tells your body that it’s time to sleep. A night light, and even a light on the alarm clock next to your bed, will confuse the pineal and disrupt sleep.

• Take magnesium an hour before bed. If your sleep is disrupted by anxiety, or if you’re tossing and turning be-cause you’re thinking about things that cause you stress, magnesium may be the answer. This supplement has a calming effect on the nerves and helps relax muscles so that you sleep more soundly. Because sleep deprivation is stressful, and since stress lowers magnesium levels, taking a magnesium supplement will help get you back in balance.

• Stretch before going to bed. Tension and muscle pain can keep you from getting to sleep or can wake you up in the middle of the night. Ten minutes of yoga or stretching will relieve the tension and help you stay more relaxed throughout the night.

• Avoid foods that cause insomnia. If you’re having trouble dozing off, what you eat before bed may be sabotaging your sleep. Foods to avoid are: deli meats like ham, sausage, pepperoni, bacon, and smoked meats because they contain tyramine, which triggers the release of brain stimulants and makes you restless; spicy foods because they raise body temperature and may cause heartburn; and high-fat meals because they can disrupt natural sleep cycles.

• Drink tart cherry juice before bed. A glass of tart cherry juice contains just enough melatonin to help induce sleep but not enough to cause grogginess when you wake up in the morning. It also stimulates the release of serotonin, which also helps you relax and fall asleep. The best variety of tart cherries is Montmorency because it contains the most melatonin. The concentrate is even better because it has ten times the melatonin as the raw fruit. When buying juice, watch labels. Organic 100% cherry juice is not the same as organic cherry 100% juice, which could be mostly other juices. Another option is to take a tart cherry supplement 60 minutes before going to bed.

• Relax with some stress management exercises. Relaxation exercises and meditation have natural tranquil-izing effects that induce sleep. By practicing these before bed, you’ll be conditioning the brain to trigger a deeply relaxed state that can easily transition your body into sleep.

We don’t realize how important sleep is until we start having sleep problems. By then it becomes an intolerable situation that leaves us tired, irritable, and unproductive. Because the physical effects of sleep deprivation are cumulative, they lead to lowered disease resistance. Adapting good sleep habits will not only make us feel more refreshed and energized but will keep us a lot healthier as well.

From: Stress, Disease & the Mind-Body Connection: Using the Power of the Brain for Health and Self-Healing by Dr. Andrew Goliszek